Friday, October 1, 2010

Mommy needs a time out

An ear infection...a crazy day...a crazy's office times two...fight with the pharmacist...I hate when she is sick.  Not only because she is sick but because when she is sick, it makes her crazy!  We made it through almost the whole day and the whole night.  Every crisis averted, every thrown toy and scream from the little sister, we got over it.  I was thinking as we were cuddling on the couch, just the three of us girls, wow...we made it through the day.  Then I said, let's go brush our teeth and read stories.   All hell broke loose.  Long story short, she got a hold of my new fancy $4 oil reed thingy...You know, the little thing with the smelly oil and the reeds sticking out.  I bought it the other day on sale and hubby said, really?  You know she is going to flock to this and throw it right?  And I said, no she won't...she's doing much better.  I was wrong, he was right.  Smelly oil everywhere...GRRRR...I yelled at her.  I hardly ever yell at her but I did and she is sick and I feel horrible but I yelled.  I needed a time out.  I cleaned it all up with minimal damage to the book case, only a warped area or two, threw the hallway rug in the washer...Had my little one get her own jammies on and went into Hailey's room.  She signed sorry and I cried and told her I was sorry too...I knew she didn't feel well and I yelled at her.  It was horrible.  So I brushed their teeth, read their stories, gave her her meds and ushered both the girls into bed...Kisses to both then I closed their doors...Then I snuck back into Hailey's room and climbed in her bed and told her again that I was sorry...That sometimes mommies need time outs too...She kissed my cheek.

Then my son comes out of his room and says, wow smells GREAT in here, what did you do?  I just started laughing...


  1. Mommies "We are only human"

  2. I agree...when Olivia is sick it is nutso around here. Hope she feels better soon.
