Wednesday, October 20, 2010

And off I go...

It isn't easy for me to leave...anywhere...Even for a day or for a few hours or for a night...So imagine me leaving for 5 days!!

I'm certainly not saying that I don't want to go on vacation and leave for 5 days of utter bliss hanging out with my very best friend in the world...doing adult things...having adult conversations....with no children in sight...for the entire 5 days!

Because, oh yes...I DO want to go.

But it isn't easy.

It means a 7 file folders of directions, emergency numbers, medical cards and information...Lists of allergies, doctor's numbers, homework information...Instructions for feeding, for field trips, for medication, for sleep. 

It means packing and hiding the suitcase so that she won't know that I'm actually leaving somewhere...which would send her into a tailspin that no one wants to see.

It means figuring out who is watching which child and where...Who is taking which child to which field trip, which school...Who is making sure that the teenager gets up on time and to school on time....Not to mention, making sure the laundry is done so that he has his gym clothes since I won't be here tomorrow...

Making sure that there is food in the house so that when hubby comes home late from work, he can eat (although he'll probably eat out anyways)...making sure the dish washer is clean and empty and the garbage is out (because no one will do those things when I'm gone and it will be all stinky and gross when I get back).

It is a lot of work this leaving thing....But I'm doing it!!  And I'm excited...and I can feel it and taste it...I'm even looking forward to the flying part (even though I hate to fly) because it means 5 hours of uninterrupted nothingness (is that even a word???)...

I will miss the little ones and the hubby...


I'm leaving on a jet plane...I hope the house doesn't burn down while I'm gone and that the children are all in one piece when I get back!!!


  1. It's scary when you go over all you do on a dily basis and how you manage so still be sain. You are priceless!! But you do need to live too so enjoy youself and have a wonderful time!!

  2. Oh my...I had THE best time of my life...paying for it with Hailey's tailspin now but I'd do it again in a heartbeat...I think I need to go more often. I feel like a new woman!!

  3. It is so important to take that time for yourself! I'm glad you were able to enjoy some time away.
