Thursday, December 23, 2010

All it takes

Lately I've been feeling a little defeated...a little resigned...a little sad.

Things have just been hard.  Hailey has been difficult...Aubrey has been difficult.

I'm missing an important piece of my family this holiday season through no one's fault but my own stubborn pride.

I'm missing old friends who have fallen off because I live in a complicated world.

But all it takes is one day to boost my spirits.  One day where my girls don't fight or bicker or pull each other's hair.  One day where the baby poops in the potty without screaming bloody murder.  One day where Hailey smiles and giggles all day.  One day where the teenager wants to ride in the car with me while I run errands so he can chat with me. One day where my husband comes home early enough to eat dinner with us.

One day where my girls cuddle up in the bed together first thing in the morning and ask me to go away so they can snuggle...

Yesterday was that day...and hopefully yesterday can rub off on tomorrow and the next day and the next day.

Because all it takes is my children smiling at me to turn it all around and remind me of who I am.

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