Saturday, January 14, 2012

What if Hailey needed a transplant?

Yesterday I read a story on my facebook about a little girl.  A little girl, much like Hailey.  She has a disorder that causes cognitive impairment...and she will need a transplant.  Please click here and read this, like I did.  Then like I did, get outraged.  Can you imagine if Hailey was denied a transplant because someone else decided what her quality of life would be?


  1. Hi Hailey's Mom, I have been sitting at my computer working on a paper for one of my medical classes (doing my paper on cri-du-chat) and i came upon your blog. Lucky me, you see, I too am a mom to a charismatic, dramatic, amazing, beautiful little 10 year old girl with cri-du-chat. So imagine my surprise when i start reading about you and your amazing Hailey......I have already gone thru a variety of emotions while reading, I have laughed, cried, been pissed, and sentimental.......your good! ha, ha. I love your stories, and have been right there with you in many instances, if you feel the need to reach out, please feel my name is Aimee and my daughters name is Lexi. Take care, and give Hailey a huge hug from me.

  2. Hi Aimee! It's great to hear from you. I will send you an email. I love that our girls are the same age :-)!!
