We had the opportunity (we shall call it an opportunity even though I literally forced this) for Hailey to visit an all special needs school in our district. When Hailey was little, I was determined to make sure that she was mainstreamed in a regular classroom with a full time aide...and I made that happen for her the first year. It was apparent after Kindergarten that this plan was no longer going to work. She was falling further and further behind and being left out by the children. Not because those children were mean or treating her poorly but because she just couldn't keep up. For first, second, third, fourth and the beginning of fifth grade, she has been in a special education classroom on a regular education campus. There have been tons of problems and she just hasn't really fit anywhere. So, we were excited to have her visit this new option.
The catch is that the children there are a little bit more independent than she is and a little more advanced. So she had a visit today where she got to "try it out".
And she did perfectly! She sat at the desk assigned to her, followed all of the directions, did the assignments, participated in the PE (which was bowling...her favorite thing!!), stood in line, took her own jacket off! YAY!
I am so proud of her.
And she got accepted into the program! YIPEE!!
The kicker is that they offered her start date to be January 30...which is Tracey's birthday. I have to say that Tracey must be pulling some strings in heaven and making sure that we all are taken care of.