Sunday, September 18, 2011

Weird things you learn

Things that I have learned in no particular order...

The elevators around the corner go much slower than the ones next to the nurses station.
The door to the cafeteria sticks a little bit.
Some nurses are nicer than others.
On call doctors don't normally review the chart before they walk in and start acting like they know everything.
Making on call doctors feel stupid is pretty fun.
My daughter laughs hysterically when my husband pretends like he is crawling into the baby crib in the hospital room...even if she is hooked up to every machine imaginable.
My sister would come through for me no matter what she needed to rearrange in her own life.
My youngest daughter has no problem being away from me for 4 days and counting...She views it as an extended sleepover.
My mother is as strong as a rock...I am pretty sure she only cries when no one is looking.
When everything is falling around me, all I want is my mommy.
When Hailey's feeling sick, all she wants is her mommy (oh and maybe some food).
My husband gives the best hospital foot massages on the face of the planet.
Cafeteria food is gross.
When I get really tired, my eyes start to cross but if I splash water on my face they go back to normal.
Hailey is embarrassed about the tube in her nose but not about showing her friends where the milk goes or how she eats.
A situation like this has a way of making the casualties and enemies created by a nasty divorce heal their wounds so that they can be in the same hospital room together to love the same child.
Seeing your child drown on an xray and video study at the same time is not something that I can handle.
Falling apart is best done in the corner of the bathroom so that Hailey can't hear me cry.
Hailey thinks that she is the Queen in this hospital bed (I am thinking about getting her a crown & a bell...bossy little thing!)
Mommy instinct is a very powerful thing and I should never let a doctor or anyone else make me doubt my mommy instinct.
The floor squeaks next to the NICU doors.
The bathroom near the parent center is big enough for me to take Hailey and her wheelchair in with me.
The nurses will let me take her outside on walks in her wheelchair if they don't "see" me.
My son is amazing and independent.
I have wonderful friends who would do anything to help us.
Paloma is the best medicine for me.
Hysterical laughter is really good for bringing on the sobbing...(note to more hysterical laughter!)
If I ask my husband to bring me whiskey and a corona (as a joke) he really will...complete with styrofoam cups (yep he did!  It was pretty funny...I made him take it home...well I drank the corona...but Paloma helped me!)


  1. I think anyone would laugh hysterically at Tim squeezing in to that crib! There should have been a video camera present!
    I am so glad I could be there to sit with you, and share a Corona with you, laugh with you, and chat with you in these sucky times.

  2. Also? That is a really long list of things I wish you didn't know!!

  3. I love this list even though I hate that you had to learn these things. I'm so glad you have your sister, your mother and your husband on your side, there to help ease the burden of an ill child. And yes, Hailey absolutely deserves to be Queen in that hospital bed. You should definitely get her a crown and a bell.

  4. Thank you Paloma & Tommie...I wish I didn't know these things either. I hope that most of these things I get to forget and never have to use the knowledge again!
