Thursday, November 4, 2010

R is not for retarded...

Don't say that word around me.  It may earn you a punch...It will at least earn you a lecture.  Don't call it the R word or anything else.  Expel it from your vocabulary.  Just stop using it.  Friends of mine have long ago learned that a stern lecture is not what you want from me.  It offends me.  It just does.  I shouldn't have to explain myself.  It would be like me using your name or hair color or race to describe someone who was acting ignorant or ridiculous.

My daughter has mental retardation.  That is true.  That is the medical definition.  The words written on her IEP, in her medical charts.  Accompanied by Cri du Chat, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, 50 D Hearing Loss...etc etc etc. 

Don't say that word or use one of her diagnosis in order to insult your friends or describe something ridiculous.  It is not cool.  It makes you sound horrible.  I cringe.  Do you not see me?  Do you not see my son cringe?  Do you not hear me say that I don't appreciate it?

Stop it...Don't use that word around me.  Don't say that word at all.  It shouldn't even be in your vocabulary unless you are using it correctly. 

R is for RARE
R is for RADIANT
R is for REYANN
R is for RED
R is for RADICAL

R is for lots of is NOT for retarded...get rid of it from your doesn't belong there.


  1. I couldn't agree more that that word is one of the ugliest in the world. This post just reiterates everything I feel about that word.

  2. It literally makes my skin crawl when I hear it...

  3. From your mouth to God's ears!!

  4. Thanks for sharing. I have a little angel with cri du chat. She is 15 we are going though some very difficult times with aggressive violent behavior. Actually waiting for a complete behavioral assessment. Can you tell ne more about sensory processing disorder your daughter is experiencing? The symptoms, behaviors, etc. Thanks and peace to you and your family

  5. Hey Stacia, can you send me your email? I'll send you an email...
