Friday, October 28, 2011

It's the little things

Like the fact that Hailey hasn't puked in 36 hours.  We have finally determined that she has trouble with yogurt (well probably most dairy products).  It took us a week to determine what it was.  Of course it was that little bit of yogurt that we had started to feed her.  Only 3 teaspoons a day to get her swallowing muscles working again. It's the little things.

Like the fact that ending dinner five minutes earlier makes a happy night.  We have finally decided that dinner ends on a sour note a lot of nights because we are all chatting and having much fun that we fail to notice that the girls have just lost interest.  We kept saying "why does dinner keep ending in chaos?".  And then we realized, just end it a few minutes earlier & it ends in peace and happiness!!  It's the little things.

Sometimes we are so busy thinking of the big solutions that we forget to try the easiest solution first...The little things.