Friday, November 4, 2011

My Morning

Every other weekend, Hailey goes to her dads house for a few days.  I get all excited for some respite time and in all of that excitement I tend to over plan my few days.  I generally do all of the laundry, make the grocery list, clean the house, wash the car, straighten up the garage, clean out the cabinets and drawers, wash all of the light switches on Friday...Aubrey gets to have a nice long bath and we read stories and play.  Then I have date night and visit with my friends and go out with adults and generally pack in as much fun as I can possibly take...Oh and we try and go out to eat as much as we can since we don't go out to restaurants with Hailey since she had the tube placed.  I PACK IN THE FUN and THE RELAXATION and THE CHORES!  

So I specifically planned this morning to lay around and maybe sleep in.  But nope.  I can't.  I am so used to getting up at 5:30 that I had to force myself to stay asleep until 6:30.  Then I watched the news, got up and started the laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, made my coffee, read a little bit, swept the kitchen, went back to bed and watched the news again...I cleaned the bathrooms and straightened the laundry room.  I vacuumed the couch and the living room.  

I really want Aubrey to wake up so we can play and start our day.  I am thinking a nice long bubble bath for her while I read...then going to the library and picking up some new books and then to the park.  But she is still sleeping!!  

It is only 8:30 in the morning.  I always forget how slowly time goes when Hailey is at her many things that I can accomplish in an hour.  How it doesn't take me all day to do things.  

But oh dear!  What a miserable existence it would be without her.  I am happy to have my few days of respite but I miss her so much.  In less than 24 hours, I have had all of the respite that I need to refuel myself.


  1. Isn't it crazy how we have so much to do and can barely get it done, then we have some quiet time and seem lost. Our whole existence revolves around our families. I cannot imagine my life without all the craziness!

  2. I am jealous at how productive you were this weekend. I wish I could get that much done! I love when everything is done early in the day and then you feel like you just have bonus time :)
