Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well at least there's that!!

Oh the pity...Really can people just stop already?  Hailey had an assessment today which meant I had to take her with me to drop Aubrey off at preschool...UGGGG...

Twenty four 3 year olds running into class is actually more like...."ooooohhhhhh look at all that beautiful hair I can pull and all the kids I can make scream while mommy tries to sign sissy in on the sheet and hold both of my hands at the same time" Hailey's mind.  I try so hard to be not expect the worst of her in this situation but the fact is...IT IS LOUD at drop off time for a 3 year old preschool class...Hailey does not do loud, she does not do chaos, she does not do tons of other children.  It freaks her out.  And I have to sign Aubrey in, I have to walk her into the class and they do not have a wheelchair ramp into the classroom (I know...drives me crazy) so I have no other option to walk Hailey in with me and hope for the best...HA HA HA...

First little guy that came into her reach while I was signing Aubrey in and is pulled...CRAP.  I apologized to him and to the mommy...Hailey signed sorry (all while giving him that "I'm going to sign that I'm sorry so that my mom believes me but really I meant it and I am absolutely not sorry" look)...but the damage was done. 

So then I start to get the pity looks...I HATE THE PITY LOOKS!  My life is not perfect but it's mine and I love it and I'm happy and I don't have anything for you to pity...

Guess I'm not making any other "mommy" friends in this class...I could hardly run out of there fast enough...

So I picked Aubrey up a few hours later after finishing Hailey's assessment and dropping her off at her school and Aubrey says this..."Mom, my friend says it's ok that sissy pulled his hair"...and I said, "oh that's good...did you guys talk about it?" and she said "yes mommy but he didn't care...his sister pulls his hair all the time"...well at least there is that!

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