Friday, October 21, 2011


A couple of years ago, Hubby and I were discussing having another baby.  I never really wanted to have any children after I was 35 so we didn't have a very large window to decide.  Life was thrown at us pretty fast over the last couple of years and we never really made a definite decision.  

I'm 36 now and way past our personal deadline for having another one and all I can say is THANK GOD!

I love my children so much and I really enjoy being a mommy.  Little newborns are so cute and I really loved the newborn and toddler stage.  I definitely miss it.  

But the fact is that my oldest is getting his license in the next few months, my ten year old's medical and behavioral stuff is out of control right now and my four year old is struggling to find her spot in the line for attention.  I am pretty sure another baby would shove me over the edge. One infant, one in elementary school, a medically and emotionally fragile ten year old, and one headed into college...NO THANK YOU!

Even just the thought brings me back to the two days last week that we were in the emergency room to have the ten year old's ng tube reinserted.  The ten year old was screaming and clawing and signing "drive home"...The four year old was jumping about and dancing and screaming in her own way...The nurses were giving us dirty looks...And Mommy was literally sitting in a chair with her head in her hands.  This went on for FOUR hours, two days IN A ROW!!  I can't imagine if I had an infant with me as well!

So even though I know a baby is a blessing and all, I am thanking God for the fact that he did not bless me with another one!

Happy Friday!


  1. I absolutely understand your feelings. I only have the two girls, but the infant stage was so hard on me. Even with Alyssa, the older daughter, the typical one, the infant stage was tough. She didn't sleep through the night until she was two years old. Seriously. I thought I was going crazy from the sleep deprivation. Olivia's first six months were marked by near constant screaming on her part. Again, I thought I was going insane.

    I love my girls. I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I'm glad we're done and I'll never be responsible for another infant of my own again.

  2. I am DONE too! Can't wait for grandkids! (hopefully in 20 years!:)

  3. I think it's great when you know what you want. I can imagine how hard it would be for you. It's tough no matter how many you have but when there's a special child in the equation it's so much tougher. It's so much more difficult for me with a baby and Sophie I did not really get that it would be like having twins, literally!
