Sometimes in this crazy life we get caught up in the day to day things...The therapies, the doctor visits, the IEPs, the meetings, the IHSS appointments, Medi Cal, SSI, all of the acronyms that we have for our children with multiple disabilities and different medical labels.
Sometimes we just need to put one foot in front of the other and get to the next day. Get through the next crisis, get everyone in bed at night so we can fall in bed ourselves and start over in the morning (or at 3 am depending on what the night actually ends up like).
No we aren't forgetting to love them or feed them or care for them or read to them or laugh with them or bathe them...Nothing like that.
We are forgetting that there are things that they don't get to experience because you just don't have enough time between all of the one foot in front of the other days.
So this weekend we didn't forget...We took a look and we saw...
We saw that she never gets to go to her friends houses and play like a big girl while all of the adults barbecue...and so we went to her friend Brianne's and had a barbecue. And she had a blast. And so did we!
We saw that she never gets to go to a movie and to lunch and not have her older sister pulling her hair or squeezing her arm or taking all of the attention...and so we saw the Winnie the Pooh movie and she got to bring her Winnie the Pooh doll and choose Applebees for lunch and get all of the attention!
Maybe she isn't missing anything at all.
isn't it amazing how the siblings of a special needs child doesn't mind at all about the extra attention given though we parents feel badly? I always think my older kids are so amazing, just like their little sister...
ReplyDeleteand yeah for the 4 year old having some extra attention!
This is so sweet. My older daughter is my 'typical' child while her little sister is the one with 5p-. So the big one is constantly being told to be gentle with her sister, to let her sister play with the toy the big one wasn't even playing with anyway, to eat her vegetables even though her sister is throwing her vegetables on the floor...blah, blah, blah. But when she's away from her sister? She misses her. How awesome is that?
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad the four year old got to have such a great weekend even though she did miss her sister.
Aww that is really sweet!
ReplyDeleteWell you have beautiful girly girls! How fun, even those times where it is rough. And I love that you were able to focus on the little one so she knows that she too can have those one on one days, but she loves her big sister and it is so cute to see that bond between siblings huh?!?