When Hailey was born that neat and tidy attitude took on a mind of its own. My life was out of control. I didn't handle anything very well. I cried at the drop of a hat. I yelled at friends and family and strangers for that matter.
Hailey age 1 year |
But I could control some things. I could control how organized I was. I could control how clean the house was. I could control the laundry and the dishes and the material things in our house. I could control how neat the yard was. I could control how everything looked on the outside even though my insides were a disaster.
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Mom and Hailey age 1.5 years |
I'm still that way. I still have some pretty major elements of that behavior. I have learned to manage it pretty well so that I only detail clean the house once a week and I don't obsess over it every minute of every day. But I can't stand to have garbage in the bathroom garbage cans. I can't stand to have laundry in the hampers. I can't stand to have dishes in the sink.
When I am upset or stressed or overwhelmed...I clean things.
Does that make me weird? ~ probably. dysfunctional? ~ in some things. crazy? ~ aren't we all in our own ways?
The truth is...it works for me. It works for our family. It works for my husband and for my children. I was asked by one of Hailey's doctors if I was ever diagnosed...no I wasn't...do we all need a label?
Can't we just say that it is the way that I deal?
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Mom, Aubrey age 3 & Hailey age 10 |
When you think that it is a weird way to be...just think...I could have turned to drugs or alcohol or other madness...instead I turned to cleaning ~ I don't think that's so bad!!